“The fear of the anesthesia mask can create significant anxiety despite our best efforts to make the experience as calm and playful as possible. I have seen children who once entered the hospital screaming and crying put at ease by this device and enter the hospital with smiles as they requested their balloon.The difference the pedia balloon can make in the treatment of some of our most innocent patients is nothing short of amazing.”
“From a surgeon’s perspective, one that is passionate about making children comfortable and reducing their fear/anxiety during induction, I have been impressed and pleased. They worked great for verbal children and older children, of 9 or 10, and highly anxious children of parents who refused versed.”
PeDIA Instructions
PeDIA Mission
To create a New Paradigm for pediatric induction of anesthesia.
Mailing Address
3057 Nutley St, Suite 594
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Phone | Email
[email protected]